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The New Stuff

3 JavaScript Frameworks that Leverage Components-based Web Development

Every year new trends visit the ever-changing web development space; these days components-based web development is doing the rounds.

What is components-based web development?

Component-based web development is all about building small and self-contained components which can be consolidated to create a full-featured user interface (UI).

Although there’s nothing new in this idea of encapsulating code into reusable UI components, the viability of way modern JavaScript frameworks to create the entire front-end is what interests our JavaScript development experts.

In this post we would like to highlight three modern JavaScript frameworks namely Vue.js, Angular and Reactthat allows you to make the most of the componentized future of web development.

Embracing Vue.js components progressively

The best part of Vue.js that appeals to front-end developers is that it is less opinionated and allows you to progressively adopt Vue components as required into your application’s user interface. Hence, it is aptly called as the progressive JavaScript framework.

Vue.js offers layered components which allow you to add as many modules as you need and where you need to add them. Thus, flexibility and performance comes hand in hand with Vue.js.

Vue.js is incredibly lightweight; under gzip compression and minification weighs just 20 kb. You can use its simple HTML templates and harness support for CSS modules and pre-processors. Just get ready to pick up its components and play with them!

Managing components the Angular way

The Angular development team in order to keep their finger on the pulse of componentized future of web development rewrote Angular JS completely and launched Angular 2.

Being an Angular JS web development agency, we highly appreciated this move of Angular team. This is because Angular 2 simplified the process of building web applications with desired functions and features out of components.

Making custom HTML elements is no more a complicated process and the developer need not bother with controllers, directives, restrict and scope. With components you can reuse the UI building blocks and test them without any hassle.

Utilizing server-side rendering with React

React.js was launched in 2013 and since then it has played a pivotal role in making components-based approach to web development mainstream. Although UI components were around before the release of React but its power was not harnessed in a proper manner.

React allows you to make the most of server-side rendering (SSR) and thus you can pre-render the initial state of a view prior to showing it to the end user. Your web visitors would see your page as the designers and JavaScript development experts have intended. That is users need not wait for their browsers to download the JavaScript that is required to render the page.

Your website’s visibility is also enhanced as server-side rendering is also good for search engine optimization (SEO). This is because most of the search engines can easily crawl and understand pre-rendered HTML views.

React delivers superior performance via virtual Document Object Model (DOM). In other words, it is a simplified copy of the actual DOM that allows React to modify specific parts of the DOM without actually requiring refreshing the entire web page each time UI is changed.


Now we already know that components-based architecture provides you the ease of integrating new features and modern JavaScript frameworks make it feasible to design the entire front-end using components.

Which JavaScript framework you rely on to make a shift towards the componentized future of web development? Please be the first to initiate a conversation by leaving your comments below.

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