Website design is a very common task that designers come across. Few professional designers always create stunning and attractive website designs and these website have many visitors. But for some designers this is not true. They somehow miss the “how user will like it” angle while creating designs. After all website is ultimately viewed and used by human beings and it should appeal them. We all have seen websites that are just wonderful and easy to navigate. You wish to revisit the website to see latest updates and keep on returning. On the contrary, few websites are neither easy to navigate nor attractive and you do not wish to open them again. What could be the reason for this difference? We have discussed all the above things to arrive at a list of mistakes or bad practices to avoid while designing your own business or even personal website.
Bad typography – using different font types, colors on a same page can be very irritating. Visitor could not find uniformity while reading content on the page and hence he loses his interest and leaves. It is very necessary to select a font that is easy to read on screen, when user can read properly and find consistency he is encouraged to go further on. Using fancy or crazy fonts just to mark your uniqueness is simply a bad idea. People feel irritated to read such text and bright colors. Your website is ought to contain buttons and images. Text on these graphics elements must be matching to the other plain text to maintain consistency.
No Feedback to users – With AJAX technology it is possible to update your visitor without reloading the page. You can keep connected with users by using this technique. Showing loading animations, progress bars can make the user wait for a while rather than leaving the website.
Pop-up ads– This s the very annoying feature that irritates your visitor the most. Website developers think that pop-up ads can attract more customers and increase sales on their website but this not at all true. Websites with pop-up ads have least visitors as they create disturbance in user experience. You must strictly avoid pop-up ads on your website.
Form Validations and data lose – you are tempted to get visitor information via various forms on your website. When user fills in the data and clicks on submit, some data validation error occurs and page is refreshed. This causes all the user entered data loss and user has to re-enter all info from the scratch. This is very serious problem to look at if you wish visitors to ask you something. Having field validation on the text box events is suggested so that user can correct data while entering.
Non- responsive design- Visitor might open your website from a device of his choice. If your website breaks on smaller device screens such as smart phones, then user will certainly close it forever.
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